A Woman’s Perspective on Civil Marriage
In modern life, everyone experiences things differently. But this is my personal opinion, my views on relationships. The courtship period is a time of first love, when passion takes over and one wears rose-colored glasses. Couples meet, spend time together, and then go their separate ways. However, during this period, guys and girls often pretend, putting on masks and striving to appear perfect while hiding their flaws.
These flaws can only be seen by living with a person. After all, not everyone shows their complex character, pretending to be sweet and innocent. You won’t notice that your loved one is lazy and messy or, on the contrary, a meticulous perfectionist. Much remains hidden when you only meet occasionally.
So, to avoid disappointment after the wedding, it is necessary to live together.
Living together is commonly referred to as civil marriage. Although I have read that civil marriage is registered in a registry office between citizens of the country where they reside. But since it is convenient for everyone to call cohabitation this way, let’s stick to it.
Personally, I have lived in a civil marriage before. I was fortunate to approach it positively and try living together since I did not want to start a family with this person.
Imagine being in a relationship with your chosen one, and when it comes time for the wedding, you realize that this is a completely different person—not the one you loved, just a stranger. It’s quite a sad picture.
I am not calling you to start living with every attractive person you meet, but I would advise it with someone you are considering building a family with.
Why are women afraid of civil marriage?
There are many girls like my classmate Yulia. They believe that in a civil marriage, a woman does not feel secure. She seems to fulfill all the duties of a wife (cooking, washing, cleaning), but in essence, is not a wife. There is a fear that a civil husband, so to speak, will use her and then leave.
But one can also look at civil marriage from the opposite perspective. No one should take advantage of anyone (neither in civil marriage nor in a traditional one). If there are men who seek a mother substitute, it’s actually beneficial for you to identify such a person. And you will run to a man who will see you as a queen both during rare meetings and while living together!
By living together, you can understand how compatible you are in intimate life. After all, rare meetings are one thing, while spending 24 hours together is entirely different. Some believe that always being together is wonderful, while others find it very stressful. To each their own.
In civil marriage, you can get used to each other and start life with a shared surname, established routines, and a common language. Everyone has their adjustments; some experience them and realize they love their partner and want to be with them for life, while others do not withstand the realization of incompatibility. In my opinion, it is better to discover incompatibility in a civil marriage and part ways than to go through a divorce after a marital union.