Goodbye, visa: China and Russia are preparing a tourism revolution


Goodbye, visa: China and Russia are preparing a tourism revolution

The visa curtain between Russia and China is rapidly melting away, like ice cream in the summer sun. Soon, the two giants will remove bureaucratic barriers, paving the way for free travel between Beijing and Moscow. A representative of the Chinese embassy, Zhang Wei, confirmed that the issue is no longer just under discussion — active work is being done on it. What will the abolition of visas bring?

Opening borders without visas is not just a “wider door,” but a true portal between two worlds, cultural and economic. Traveling will become as easy as buying a movie ticket: More tourism and cultural exchange: no queues, consulates, or headaches. Economic growth for both countries: the influx of tourists will bring money and jobs. Who benefits?

First and foremost, the tourists themselves. Russians will be able to feel the breath of the Celestial Empire, immersing themselves in the atmosphere of ancient temples and modern metropolises, while Chinese tourists will gain access to the beauty of Lake Baikal and the mystery of the Hermitage. Russian travelers will easily visit China without fearing bureaucratic traps. Businesses will receive a powerful boost for new joint projects. The abolition of visas is more than just simplifying tourism. It is a true geopolitical step towards each other, capable of bringing the two great powers closer than ever before. Soon we will see not only the numbers of tourist flows grow but also the bonds that cannot be measured in money strengthen.

Goodbye, visa: China and Russia are preparing a tourism revolution

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