How fanaticism in healthy eating turns into a mad house


How fanaticism in healthy eating turns into a mad house

How extreme “clean” eating can lead proponents of healthy food into a house of the insane. A biochemist’s perspective reveals depths unexplored by anyone. How do advocates of a healthy lifestyle eat? They read the internet and find all sorts of recommendations, writes Some approach this information more mindfully. For example, after drinking a strawberry smoothie, they step out into the frosty morning for work and realize their stomach is empty. Others stoically continue to torture their bodies with summer delicacies on cold winter days. What’s wrong with that, you may ask. We answer: our bodies transition from summer to winter. This affects the enzymatic system. Proteins that successfully break down greens, berries, and fruits “go into hibernation.” It’s time for proteins that will digest heavy, high-energy food. Yet you confuse the body’s signals. Particularly fanatical individuals, by continuing to torment their bodies, reach a point where they disrupt their mental functions. The gastrointestinal tract has its own nervous system that affects the brain. The microbiota living in the gastrointestinal tract may express dissatisfaction with the incoming food. If you upset it too much, it starts to ruin your mood. You will feel inexplicable malaise, various surges, and painful conditions. In recent years, doctors and researchers have observed a rise in orthorexia—a disorder of eating behavior focused on extreme healthy eating. Doctors have seen that patients are physically healthy, but their minds are clearly off-kilter.

How fanaticism in healthy eating turns into a mad house

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