How to Gather the Courage to Ask Your Crush Out
How to gather the courage to ask a girl out? The situation implies that you have already taken a liking to her. There is a guide to overcoming fear.
Inhale, exhale…
Anxiety is no joke, especially when it comes to your crush. Let’s start our journey towards confidence with a breathing technique. Take a deep breath for two seconds, then exhale for four seconds. While breathing, visualize your “happy state related to the situation.”
For example, imagine a beach, a park, or just a family gathering. Anxiety is usually characterized by tension in the body. It is recommended to learn how to relax it—shake your hands and feet, drop your shoulders, and relax your face.
Compose a personal mantra
We tend to be our own worst critics. Therefore, it’s important to shift your mindset into a motivational mode. Come up with short phrases that define your goal. Start by saying them out loud. Over time, you will learn to motivate yourself with your inner voice.
Make sure to repeat these phrases daily. The more you practice saying them, the more your self-esteem will grow. Say goodbye to those negative thoughts!
Be specific in your intentions
Before approaching your crush, it’s important to know exactly what you want to say to her. Don’t approach her with an ambiguous suggestion like “Let’s hang out.” The last thing you want is for there to be a misunderstanding. Be specific in your intentions (this will show that you want to get to know her better). Suggest a date, such as going to the movies, attending a graduation, or going to an upcoming school football game.
Find the right time
When it comes to taking that decisive step, it’s crucial to find the right moment. The location is also important. Ideally, invite her when neither of you is in a rush. However, if you catch your crush in a café—just go for it.
And lastly, prepare a few conversation topics. You can start with the weather.