How to tell if I have COVID or the flu


How to tell if I have COVID or the flu

Currently, it is the peak of flu season, but sometimes COVID begins to be mentioned. Is it possible to figure out from the symptoms which virus has affected you – COVID or the flu? Experts say that it is difficult to distinguish between the flu and COVID-19 based on symptoms. The viruses that cause both illnesses, like many other respiratory viruses, can cause fever, cough, nasal congestion, headache, and fatigue. People may also experience a sore throat, muscle aches, shortness of breath, and chills. The only way to know for sure is to get tested, which can be done at a doctor’s office or laboratory, or at home using rapid tests. This is the first season when combined tests for flu and coronavirus are available over the counter. Anyone eligible for antiviral medications should use these home tests, as treatment should begin as soon as possible after symptoms appear. However, the tests must clearly differentiate between dangerous concentrations of these viruses. After all, we are surrounded by all sorts of viruses. Tests that simply detect the presence of an infection are useless.

How to tell if I have COVID or the flu

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