Ida Anduyán is a cool girl who is already well-known.


Ida Anduyán is a cool girl who is already well-known.

Ida Anduyán makes you look beyond the ordinary. This promises amazing results. Her main method is experimentation. Right now, she is fascinated by the actual content of photos and writes for The realization of the idea eliminates the senselessness that serves to beautify the shot. Visualization is important for the story. At the moment, she has honed her eye by taking thousands of shots. Each one brought her closer to the perfection of composition. An important component here is mood and aura. A whole gallery of experiments has found a place on Instagram. Knowing that “the internet is eternal” and can be a repository of fashionable mistakes for all eternity, Ida has a very healthy attitude towards being online. “Social media can be everything we want, and I love them for that,” she says. “I don’t hate anything about them because it’s how we use them. They can be a blessing or a curse. I like that they have changed how we do so many things, especially in the creative sphere,” she continues. “I like that they can be a tool that can change your whole life. I like that they can be a platform to show your work and passion to millions of people, which would have been almost impossible in the old days.”

Ida Anduyán is a cool girl who is already well-known.

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