Language of the Year – Python received this award from Tiobe for its growing popularity.


Language of the Year – Python received this award from Tiobe for its growing popularity.

The Python language grew by 9.3% in the Tiobe popularity index over the past year. It was previously recognized as the most popular programming language. In a statement accompanying the January index, the CEO of Tiobe said that Python experienced a “huge” growth in rankings of 9.3% over the past year. He predicted that by the end of 2024, Python would be the winner. The growth of Python’s ranking outpaced the growth of Java (2.3%), JavaScript (1.4%), and Go (1.2%). “Python is everywhere today. It is undoubtedly the default language in many areas,” said the CEO. The only significant drawback is its insufficient performance. The monthly Tiobe index is based on a formula that evaluates the number of qualified engineers worldwide, courses, and third-party vendors related to the language.

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