Men’s Friendship and Women


Men’s Friendship and Women

First of all, it is important to note that women compare men’s friendship to the more familiar female friendship. And as men know, female friendship has nothing in common with male friendship. A distinctive feature of female friendship is the resilience and unwavering opposition to the male world. Heartfelt conversations usually boil down to the idea that all men are scoundrels, grown-up children, and idiots. Women collectively oppose the male world, which is accustomed to being stronger always and in everything.

The relationships between female friends are filled with much more sincerity; with a friend, one can always discuss everything, cry, and complain about “these men.” They discuss almost everything! This “almost” is conditioned by the natural trait of women to see another woman as a competitor. Of course, women are united in the eternal struggle against men, but in each case, jealousy and rivalry take precedence over the infamous solidarity.

In the well-known and always-discussed situation of the “love triangle,” women much more often sever ties with former friends, begin to hate as passionately as they once loved, and seek revenge with the same cold calculation with which they previously discussed men. Meanwhile, male friends, over a cold beer and a plate of red crawfish, decide to completely distance themselves from “the woman who tried to stir up trouble between them.”

Friendship for men, however, plays a far less important role than in women’s lives. Even male friendship itself, upon close examination, is far from the celebrated ideal of the three musketeers. After all, career means more to men, and they are capable of sacrificing friends for the sake of career advancement.

“Tell me who your friend is…” The choice of friends reveals much about a man’s character, life, and habits. One can draw certain, often significant conclusions based on how friends relate to a man.

A lack of friends in a man also bodes nothing good. Perhaps he doesn’t know how to communicate, and therefore he is unable to make his beloved’s life fulfilling and harmonious.

For men, the decision to introduce a woman “officially” into his circle is a very serious step. Every man wants the assessment of countless female virtues by friends to align with his personal evaluation.

A very common problem, which I would even call the “curse” of male friendship, occurs when a woman comes between men. The situation of being the “third wheel” arises. The story of how the best friend suddenly takes away the fiancée is as old as time. A woman always wants to be loved, but she does not always grasp the simple truth: romances with friends are unacceptable. After all, this will inevitably come to light, and the woman will be the only one blamed. It is unlikely that a man will replace his best friend, whom he has known all his life, with a woman of questionable character. After all, a man judges by himself… and knows how difficult it can be to resist temptation. Yet, for some reason, women are not allowed such weaknesses that harm male friendship.

Undoubtedly, women should remember that they need to leave men the right to have their friends and not provoke potentially scandalous situations. It is not wise to seriously criticize a man or raise one’s voice at him in the presence of friends. Even in ideal relationships (if such exist), it is better not to forget to occasionally leave men alone. It is better not to lead friends to the thought: “How can we get rid of her as soon as possible?”

Men's Friendship and Women

Men's Friendship and Women

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