Microsoft has announced the NoSQL database DocumentDB


Microsoft has announced the NoSQL database DocumentDB

Microsoft yesterday published news about the open-source release of its new NoSQL database. Programmers are surprised by the duplication of the name.

Microsoft named the new product DocumentDB, according to A similar database name exists at Amazon. The developer announced that DocumentDB is positioned as an “open-source document database platform” that supports Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB and is built on PostgreSQL.

DocumentDB aims to become a NoSQL data store implemented on top of PostgreSQL. The database is licensed under MIT.

Experts agree that the developer is behaving strangely. After all, the database name closely resembles Amazon DocumentDB, which has been around for six years. Some programmers suspect that there has been a merging of products. In any case, a new competitor has emerged in the database space. Among the key players, we remind you, are Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS.

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