Modern Girl vs. Traditional Wife
Why do men have different definitions for girls and wives? Why should girls be modern while wives are traditional? The main problem is that men feel entitled to use women as it suits them, writes They may date a woman who drinks wine and dances in pubs because her “modernity” becomes sexually appealing. But that doesn’t mean they approve of a woman who is educated, outspoken, and works. Men still “protect” the women of their families from the “infection” of modernity. It’s acceptable to have sex with a modern woman, but not to have lifelong commitments that include family and society. Society sees traditional women as respectable, pure, and worthy of being wives. Because of this, many parents do not raise their daughters to have the freedom they deserve. In trying to mold them into traditional wives, parents forget that daughters have their own lives and individuality. Ultimately, the pressure of marriage and family restricts a woman’s freedom. The definitions of traditional and modern women in our society are flawed. Being traditional means being obedient, while being modern means being rebellious. And that is why Indian families prefer traditional girls.