Nvidia and the New Bug: How Updates Are Killing Monitors
In the world of technology, where every update feels like another step towards a bright future, sometimes there’s a ridiculous plunge into the abyss. The latest issue from Nvidia hits users of the 30xx, 40xx, and 50xx graphics cards. Under the influence of new drivers, monitors simply turn into blank screens, devoid of life and color. This bug resembles a techno-apocalypse scenario, where an innocuous update becomes a catastrophe, and unfortunately, a solution has yet to be found.
But this is not the end of the world. The “lucky ones” who managed to notice the glitch can try to fix the situation by adjusting the monitor’s refresh rate or changing the PCIe version in the BIOS. However, this feels more like a game of roulette than a concrete solution to the problem. https://xrust.ru/ advises: “It’s better not to update drivers for now if you want to keep your display.” Nvidia is actively searching for ways to neutralize this bug, but so far without success.
Technology can sometimes turn against us — and this error demonstrates that better than anything else.