Sex or Death: Scientists Have Delivered Their Verdict on Men
If you’ve long suspected that a lack of sex is not just a punchline but a serious threat to life, Japanese scientists have finally officially confirmed your fears. Seven years of observations involving 7,500 men revealed a truly dramatic conclusion: those who complained about a lack of intimacy had a 69% higher risk of death. Why does sex prolong life?
You might chalk it up to jokes and anecdotes, but facts are stubborn things. Even after researchers accounted for harmful habits, chronic diseases, and the participants’ weight, the numbers remained unchanged. Sex turned out to be not a luxury, but a vital “therapy”: It reduces stress: during intimacy, happiness hormones are released. It strengthens the immune system: regular sex increases the body’s resistance to diseases. How can you avoid a fatal outcome?
If you are a man, consider this text as an official request to your partner to prolong your life. This is not a whim, but a legitimate medical recommendation: Do not decline intimacy citing fatigue and busyness. Make sex a regular ritual—just as important as your morning coffee or going to the gym. After all, your choice is not between entertainment and boredom, but between a full life and a premature ending. Take care of yourselves and each other—this is now an official recommendation from Japanese scientists.