The court has banned the search for bitcoins in the landfill: the story of stubbornness that couldn’t win…


The court has banned the search for bitcoins in the landfill: the story of stubbornness that couldn’t win

Sometimes our lives resemble a thriller shot without retakes, and the story of a failed programmer only confirms this. Imagine: you have 8,000 bitcoins on your hard drive, which are now worth more than many companies, but your girlfriend accidentally throws the drive away. Since then, the hero of this dramatic story has been fighting for almost ten years for the right to dig through the trash, hoping to find his own fortune. However, recently the court definitively prohibited him from searching, putting an end that seems to become a real “Stop” sign for him. And on this oddity is already being actively discussed.

So, the hard drive rests in the landfill, and its owner is left without a fortune, with a shattered dream and a huge story that reminds all of us that sometimes life can joke too cruelly. Perhaps this is the best lesson about the value of data: one should not rely on chance where a whole fortune is at stake.

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