**The Ideal of Male Beauty**
Previous entries have focused on mental disorders related to beauty and a person’s appearance. An unrestrained pursuit of the ideal of beauty can lead to disorders such as anorexia, tanorexia, and others. Today, we will talk about ideals of beauty, starting with the male ideal.
Looking back at the history of human society, we can see that the ideal of male beauty has almost always been considered to be a neat, well-groomed, stylish, and well-scented man. Of course, during the times of mammoths and cave dwellers, ideals of male beauty were not given much attention. The main male qualities were health, strength, skill, and the ability to procure food. The well-known saying “A man should be slightly more attractive than a monkey” originated from that period.
However, during the time of Julius Caesar, men were expected to smell pleasant, be smoothly shaven, and be richly dressed. To become the ideal of male beauty in the Roman Empire, one had to add intelligence, strength, and courage to these qualities. It was then that the prototypes of barbershops, designed exclusively for men, were established. Thus, the claim that a modern beauty salon is a prerogative of women is historically unfounded.
Undoubtedly, every era has seen the ideal of male beauty change in response to fashion, morality, ethics, and politics. At first, muscular men ready to fight and tear apart their opponents were in vogue; then the standard of beauty shifted to delicate, romantic boys with blue eyes who wrote poetry and possessed a refined sensitivity. In another period, the ideal of male beauty required wearing a large wig and a corset, which were later replaced by emotionless, short-haired businessmen in strict suits.
It is good that the ideal remains just that—an ideal. Many strive for it, but achieving it and becoming perfect is impossible. In our time, the concept of the ideal of male beauty is quite blurred, thanks to the mass of diverse opinions in the media. Perhaps the most important qualities of the modern ideal of male beauty are individuality and self-care. A man who takes care of himself feels more confident, his self-esteem increases, and such a man confidently attracts women.